Event II, 2022-ongoing, computer 3D simulation, stereo sound.

The video presents two inanimate objects resembling grenades on a stark concrete display within a polluted environment encircled by toxic waste. These objects engage in a rhythmic interaction accompanied by the haunting sound of synchronized breathing, dissolving the distinction between life and lifelessness. Their presence evokes tension, as their physicality suggests violence, while the breathing lends them an unsettling semblance of vitality. The toxic surroundings amplify the narrative of contamination and dependency, turning the interaction into a metaphor for ecological imbalance, parasitic relationships, and industrial domination.

6th International Triennial of expanded media, Art Pavilion “CvijetaZuzorić”, Serbia, 2022
Safe Mode: Amplified realities, TILT Platform, F.Vergidou, Athens (GR), 2022
Safe Mode: Amplified realities, TILT Platform, F.Vergidou, Athens (GR), 2022


Artist/Director: Yorgos Papafigos